Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Adios Bitchachos

When I was 7 years old I went on vacation to Bermuda with my family. Unfortunately, there are only a couple things I remember from this trip.

           1. The pink sand.
           2. The pink houses.
           3. Coming across two barracudas while snorkeling. I was only 7, this scared the shit out of
           4. My mom putting a fake lizard on my shoulder. I was only 7, this scared the shit out of me
               even more.

After that trip, I mostly went to places like Ocean Shitty, North Carolina...... annnnd that's about it. I mean I'm not made of money over here. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love going to ANY beach, but nothing compares to actually being able to see your feet in the white sand when you are in the crystal clear water. If you have ever been to Ocean Shitty or North Carolina you know that you can have your hand only an inch under the water, and there's not a chance in hell you would be able to see it.

Well, In March of 2013 my wonderful Mother, Aunt Robbie, and Uncle Mark surprised us with a trip to St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands. February 22nd of 2014, Casa Lupa was our destination, and  I couldn't contain my excitement. The 11 month countdown began.  Longest 11 months of my life. I mean, getting pictures like this in my email definitely didn't make the wait any easier:

THIS was going to be my front yard?!!? Yes, Yes it was. 
February 22nd slowly but surely arrived, and off we went. Casa Lupa here we come!!
Now, when Lauren and I are together, we are a lot to handle. We have our own... quirky sense of humor... Some (most) people think we are actually pretty funny, but after a while (Lauren and I tend to really run jokes into the ground. but hey - we still think its HI-larious) everyone starts to think it turns into annoying. We have been told on many occasions that people can only take us together in certain doses.
These people include: My brother in law Joe, Mama Bear, Aunt Robbie, Uncle Mark, and above all - strangers.
Some (very few) people, think we are the funniest people in the whole universe - at all times.
These people include: Me, and Lauren. (Short list, I know. I don't understand it either.)
With that said - I knew that 6 hours on a plane after 0 hours of sleep was going to be, well,  AWESOME. At first I had planned on sleeping the whole way. Who was I kidding. Who sleeps on the way to paradise?! Instead, we took glamour shots. AKA Selfies. LOTS of selifes.



I would say that this is only about a quarter of our selfie collection. Now this guy, this guy just looks like/probably did have had pure hatred for us:

Our motto of the trip quickly became: 
What we like to call "Island time" is a wonderful thing. On island time, the phrase "DONT CAREEE" can be applied towards anything and everything.

- Annoying everyone on the plane? - DONTTT CARE!
- Going out for a nice lunch, that turns into getting drunk at 12PM on a Tuesday, which leads to me winning a Mexican dancing competition as a late entry - leading to more alcohol? - DONTTT CARE!
- Realizing we are out of SPF 30 sunscreen and if you wear anything less you are basically asking to burn like a lobster? DONTTT CARE! SPF 15 it is!
- Spilled Doritos all over the trunk of the rental car? DONTTT CARE!
- I'll be lucky if I come home with even $20.00 left in my pocket... DONTTT CARE! 
- Swearing not to drink on the last night, because who wants to be hungover on a plane for 6 hours, but still ending up getting hamboned and shutting the beach down?! - DONTTT CARE!
                            Next Day: Totally cared.

Unfortunately, (Or fortunately, depending how you look at it) that motto came home with us.
Great example for today! I'm not getting any work done today. DONT CARE.
I'm sure boss man would love this phrase. 

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